The Divine Journey of the First Avatar in Navratri : Shailaputri

Shailaputri Devi Image

Navratri is one the religious annual festival in the Hindu religion to honor the supreme goddess Durga, Navratri means “nine nights” in which nine avatars of the goddess Durga is worshipped. It is one the most celebrated festivals uniting the whole of India. The Hindu month Chaitra (March/ April) is the time of the first Navratri of the year is called Vasanth Navratri, and the second is Sharda Navratri which comes in Ashvin (September/ October) Hindu month it is most celebrated.


For nine days there are religious pooja, Arti’s, and recital of the story of the story of goddess Durga battles with the buffalo demon Mahishasura and becomes victorious to restore the dharma and save the world from the demons. In southern states, kali is celebrated, in Gujarat there is a Garba celebration where people dance with sticks in their hands.

Nine Days- Nine Avatars

  1. Shailaputri
  2. Brahmacharini
  3. Chandraghanta
  4. Kushmanda
  5. Skandamata
  6. Katyayani
  7. Kaalaratri
  8. Mahagauri
  9. Sidddhidatri

In this article we will further talk about the first day- the First Avatar which is Shailputri


The daughter of Mountain King Himavat (parvat raj Himalaya), Shailputri is the First form of Goddess Durga and incarnation of Goddess Sati, she is depicted as holding a trident(trishula) in her right hand and lotus flower in her left and she rides the mount Nandi (bull).


Daksha, son of Brahma( god of creation) was the father of Sati wife of lord shiva, he was against the marriage, so he organized a big Yagna and invited all husbands of her 26 daughters but not invite the lord shiva, which made her resentful towards her father for insulting her husband she burnt herself in the fire of yagna, upon hearing about sati lord shiva become angry, after that  virabhadra (an attendant of lord shiva) beheaded him, In next birth sati born as parvati in the house of the king Himalaya, she married lord shiva, she once shattered the ego of indra head of devtas, and so they were ashamed and prayed to the devi that, “In fact, thou are Shakti, we all – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are capable by getting Shakti from you.”


Devi of the root chakra, she started her journey upwards after awakening.  She starts her journey from the Muladhara chakra sitting on a bull from her father to her husband to search for lord shiva. This is why on the first day of the Navratri yogis focus on muldhara, which is also the beginning of their spiritual discipline. The first day is considered auspicious in yogi culture as it is a start for yogics to attain siddhi and meet with the divine Maa Durga spiritually, it is the base of spirituality in the whole world from where everyone gets blessings. As she is the daughter of King Himavanta, Shailaputri is she is manifestation of this earth planet her divinity is spreading from mountains, and oceans to air that’s why she is the physical consciousness of the Maa Durga. Her color is crimson, guna (quality) is coherence, tattva(element) is Earth, Bheda(distinct) of Ghraana(smell).


Puja for the first day starts with a ritual named Ghatasthapana, which symbolizes women’s power, A Shallow Utensil shape of pan made of clay is used as a base or some directly spread soil in a small space, then Dhanya/ Navadhnaya seeds are scattered in the soil after that Ganga jal is sprinkled on the seeds. A Kalash with Ganga jal and leaves of mango is put around the inner neck of the Kalash, with some coins and durva grass.


Mantra of Shailaputri:


ॐ देवी शैलपुत्र्यै नमः॥

Om Devi Shailaputryai Namah॥

Prarthana or Prayer of Shailaputri


वन्दे वाञ्छितलाभाय चन्द्रार्ध कृतशेखराम् ।

वृषारूढाम् शूलधराम् शैलपुत्रीम् यशस्विनीम् ॥

Vande Vanchhitalabhaya Chandrardhakritashekharam।

Vrisharudham Shuladharam Shailaputrim Yashasvinim॥

“I pay my obeisance to Devi Shailaputri, who bestows upon the choicest boons to the devotees. The moon in the crescent form is adorned as the crown on her forehead. She is mounted on the bullock. She holds a trident in her hand. She is Yashasvini.”[citation needed]



There are many temples of Shailaputri in India here I have mentioned some of the famous temples in India.

Shailaputri Temple is located at A-40/11, Marhia Ghat, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.[6]

Shailaputri Temple at Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Shailaputri Zewan Srinagar India. This temple is special as it has a cave and devoted prayer in the cave.

Temples of Maa Durga.

Read more about Shailaputi on Wikipedia.

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